It’s good to know that we have such intelligent, thoughtful citizens here in the USA to write such passionate articles essentially advocating the destruction of a nation.
In any event, the Israelis keep drawing the wrong lessons from America. We’re a country that did what ever it took to expand our borders to their natural frontiers – wheeling, dealing or wiping out whole nations without mercy or apologies. Once our native “terrorists”, the fearsome Apaches, Mohawks and Sioux, realized the land was lost to them forever, they quickly turned into docile tribes living here without incident under special conditions. No expulsion or transfer was necessary. Today, not one brave on the reservation would even think about raiding an American “settlement”. The only scalping done in America now is at basketball games and rock concerts. Yet, for some reason, this is one highly successful American tactic Israel refuses to emulate. That couldn’t be due to “American pressure” too, could it?
Certainly, I’m sure that, should the Arabs have had the technological superiority, they would feel the same way about Israel. In fact, didn’t the Third Reich essentially advocate a similar-styled policy toward the Jews? I think the reservations were called some kind of “camps”?
Sacrasm aside, it’s amazing how short-sighted writers such as this can be. Jews were persecuted for hundreds of years, climaxing with the genocide that took place during World War II. In return, the world powers created the state of Israel, leading to the current displacement. While there’s plenty of blame to go around regarding the road to the current situation (i.e. mess), how can Israel, in good conscience, occupy and marganlize an entire population?