
Bush Plays Dirty

with the election coming down to the wire, it looks as though it’s a good time to commence with a roundup of the latest dirty gop tricks. The Swift Boat Veterans for [Lies] knew all along their story was bunk, but went ahead with it anyway. The real kicker, of course, is that the waters […]

with the election coming down to the wire, it looks as though it’s a good time to commence with a roundup of the latest dirty gop tricks.

The Swift Boat Veterans for [Lies] knew all along their story was bunk, but went ahead with it anyway. The real kicker, of course, is that the waters have been so muddied on this topic that to bring it up again is likely to cause more damage than it’s worth.

The RNC is threatening legal action against the group Rock the Vote, a group that hopes to improve voter turnout among younger voters, for raising the issue of a potential draft and calling for an election-timed debate. Good to know the RNC still supports freedom of speech.

In Tennessee, we have a flyer incident suspicioulsy similar to other incidents in the past, where Karl Rove planned an attack campaign on his own candidate in order to generate sympathy. And there was another instance at the RNC level.

Throw in the resignation of Jim Tobin, the chair of the Bush Cheney New England campaign for his involvement in an illegal phone bank scheme to block Democrats’ Get-Out-the-Vote drives in 2002, along with his deep connections to the head of the Republicans Senate election coordination team, and you have to wonder.

One shouldn’t forget that Sinclair, which owns radio stations in many key swing states, wants to pre-empt regular programming in the week before the election to broadcast Swift Boat propaganda.

Oh, and there were also the relocated Republicans, who resigned from the Bush campaign in South Dakota for some “questionable ballots” (i.e. voter fraud), that now are leading the vote effort for Bush in Ohio.

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