
Decline of the Legislative Branch

I read the most disheartening yet accurate quote regarding the decline of the legislative branch in a CNN article today. He [Sen. Bill Frist] added that Specter, as chairman, “has a clear obligation … to take what the president nominates [and] get that nomination through committee.” Nonsense! The Senate isn’t a rubber stamp of the […]

I read the most disheartening yet accurate quote regarding the decline of the legislative branch in a CNN article today.

He [Sen. Bill Frist] added that Specter, as chairman, “has a clear obligation … to take what the president nominates [and] get that nomination through committee.”

Nonsense! The Senate isn’t a rubber stamp of the President’s picks for any office, let alone appointments to the judicial branch of government. The Senate’s role in the confirmation process is to serve as the opposition, to provide the check to the President’s power. It’s a sad day when the Senate willfully becomes a rubber stamp for any President.

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