
Do I…?

An important answer to an important question.


Another Election Night

Well, it’s nearly three in the morning and I’m signing off, as we wait to see if we’re in for another extended mess. Some news organizations are calling Ohio, others aren’t. The poll workers of Iowa have decided that there are mechanical problems and they’re tired, so they’ll finish up the counting sometime tomorrow. And neither candidate has that magic 270 number in the electoral college. Maybe by the time everyone reads this we’ll have a resolution. If not, there will be plenty more for the news organizations to talk about for a few more weeks.

Long story short, I’m tired like an Iowan poll worker.


President Match

I received a number of responses (ok, two, but that’s more than most entries generate) to my idea for revamping the election process. In fairness, Nicole told me about President Match, which identifies the candidate who best matches your position based on your answers to a series of questions about what policies/ideas you favor/oppose.

And no, I didn’t know about this site before I made my recommendation. But I still stand by my idea.



Bryan sent me a link to this helicopter game a week or so ago. I just topped a score of 4753, and I think it’s time to retire.


Election Day is Here

In a few hours, the first polls will open. Millions of people, going about their regular daily lives, will take a few minutes out of their day to record a mark in favor of a set of candidates. Those marks will be tallied, the score will be announced, and a leader will be chosen for the next four years. Someone who, for all intents and purposes, will serve as leader of the free world. And this will take place, with relatively little corruption, with relatively little violence. What in the end is decided will stand.

Despite who wins, the very process astounds me.