
Tammy & the Chinese Restaurant

While I was in Philly, I had a chance to catch up with Tammy (she’s Asian, btw, this is key to the “punchline”), a good friend from college who is currently a Resident at one of the hospitals in the city.

We settle on a Chinese restaurant she knows a few blocks from her apartment, so we walk over. We’re seated and our food order is taken. This being in Chinatown, the place settings only have chopsticks. As our food was being served, one of the wait staff offered me a fork, which I turned down. Unbeknownst to me, Tammy did want one, which they never offered to her. Another wait staff, independently, came by a minute later, again offering only me a fork. I again turned it down, telling them that Tammy did want one, but the concept was too foreign. So I just asked for two.

Interesting bit of stereotyping, I thought.


On the Road (in 2005)

As 2004 winds down, I’ve been receiving the question “Where are you traveling next year?” with increased frequency. As such, I’ll give a brief rundown of my travel plans for the upcoming year.

February – Bangkok
April – San Francisco
May – Rome
Late Summer/Fall – San Francisco
Late Summer/Fall – Santiago (Chile)



A few shots and a couple drinks buoyed my spirits Saturday night.

Generally, I try not to drink too much in a given evening. I place a high value on keeping my wits and stomach contents about me. However, circumstances sometimes call for a change of plans. I picked her up and brought her to Philly, then we began meeting up with others. It’s hard to define in that evening at which moment my respect for her began disappearing, but the alcohol certainly numbed the moment.

I’m just glad I didn’t have to drive her home. Another point for alcohol.