
First Impressions

I’m watching Tuesday’s season opener of the Amazing Race, and I’m making my first impressions of the teams. Hope to See Stick AroundThe hippiesThe mom + daughter Don’t Know YetThe nerdsThe best female friendsSlacker guysThe old coupleRay + Yolanda Can’t Wait to GoJohn + ScottGen X Married CoupleSisters The nerds would be great, if they […]

I’m watching Tuesday’s season opener of the Amazing Race, and I’m making my first impressions of the teams.

Hope to See Stick Around
The hippies
The mom + daughter

Don’t Know Yet
The nerds
The best female friends
Slacker guys
The old couple
Ray + Yolanda

Can’t Wait to Go
John + Scott
Gen X Married Couple

The nerds would be great, if they just weren’t so…nerdy! Augh!

4 replies on “First Impressions”

Ha! You want to know a secret? Jen went to high school with BJ, who’s about the farthest thing from a hippie as you can get. You want an example of an egomaniacal, attention-mongering prick, you go to BJ. It’s all too appropriate he’s on TV.

Exactly – it’s his latest act, anyway. The beard and stupid-ass hat are just his way of screaming, “Everyone look at me!” I’m sure the producers are encouraging it.

Without a doubt, they’re eating it up. Though I can completely see it becoming really tedious if you have to see the guy every day. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy the show, as they’re definitely among the less annoying teams.

I mean, honestly, Glamazons?

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