
Flood Watch: 2 AM

I just returned from another walk around the neighborhood, and the water’s still rising. By morning it seems fairly certain that I’ll be sealed in my neighborhood (or at least my car will be). The water has completely closed off the small single lane tunnel entrance, leaving only the high bridge over the railroad tracks. […]

I just returned from another walk around the neighborhood, and the water’s still rising. By morning it seems fairly certain that I’ll be sealed in my neighborhood (or at least my car will be). The water has completely closed off the small single lane tunnel entrance, leaving only the high bridge over the railroad tracks. However, the water levels are already backing up out of the storm drains, indicating that, too, will flood over as the waters continue to rise.

I can only imagine what the area will look like tomorrow morning as this takes its place on the top 5 list in terms of historical high water marks.

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