Ok, so this isn’t even an attempt at a creative title, but that’s because for some reason this topic just bothers me. I was out for a walk last night, and I saw that my neighbor had on a sprinkler and was watering the lawn. Talk about a waste! Is it really necessary? We’re hardly in a drought, not that you would be allowed to then. Your grass is green regardless. There have been thunderstorms rolling through just a few days ago. And what kind of ego issues do you have that you need to have a perfectly green lawn anyway? I’ve read enough articles about how there’s speculation that fresh water is becoming an increasingly scarce resource and will likely lead to political, and potentially physical violence (i.e. war), that to see someone waste it like that strikes me as wrong. There should be some kind of luxury tax on water being used for this purpose.
Some water disputes that have been in the news:
California and its use of the Colorado River
Water in the Middle Easter
Central Asia Water Dispute
An Internal India water dispute
These are just the results of about 5 minutes of searching on Google. I can only imagine what I would come up with if I really looked. And the jerk down the street is worried about his grass being all soft and green…