
So, I’ve been neglecting this…

Wow! Hard to believe a week has gone by since I last posted any entries. Last Thursday was incredibly busy, with preparations for Paris. And then I *gasp* didn’t have Internet access for the entire trip, and now I’m finally caught up enough to post entries on the trip. That’s my excuse, anyway, and I’m […]

Wow! Hard to believe a week has gone by since I last posted any entries. Last Thursday was incredibly busy, with preparations for Paris. And then I *gasp* didn’t have Internet access for the entire trip, and now I’m finally caught up enough to post entries on the trip. That’s my excuse, anyway, and I’m sticking to it!

In other, more amusing news, a columnist on Slate has announced the NRA Weasel Watch! Does the NRA support the weapons ban in Iraq? And the author brings up a very solid point–it appears so many citizens had weapons, yet Saddam still had power. I thought one of the arguments against such bans was, to quote Homer, to keep the king of England from being able to “just walk in here anytime he wants and start shoving you around?”

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